BoG testing online version of eCedi with Vodafone Cash customers 

Governor of the Central Bank, Dr Ernest Addison says feedback from the piloting has been positive and that gives them the indication that the country is ready for a full nationwide rollout of the eCedi soon.

“There has been a pilot carried out in different parts of the country and the feedback I have gotten is that people have been quite enthusiastic about having the opportunity to be part of the pilot and even gone out of their way to reload the CBDC using their own resources to be able to carry out transactions,” Dr Addison remarked. “The enthusiasm shown by Ghanaians is a good sign that by the end of the pilot we will be able to move on as planned.”

The BoG has however, restricted the test of its online version of the eCedi to Accra and Tarkwa (in the Western Region) only.

“Those platforms will be open to every licensed entity to integrate soon – and a version will be available in a sandbox for tech startups to test in the future,” reported.

Meanwhile, the offline version of the eCedi is currently being piloted at Sefwi Asafo in the Western North Region, and the Central Bank said it is encouraged by the way selected persons use the eCedi for daily purchases such as food, grocery and drinks in that town.

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