
You don't always have to get everything right.

You don’t always have to get everything right – Richard Amponsah

You don’t always have to get everything right. You will be wrong sometimes, and that’s not unusual (it’s part of the process). Just repeat the right things over and over and learn from every mistakes you make at any point in your life. That’s all it takes to improve upon yourself and get going as …

You don’t always have to get everything right – Richard Amponsah Read More »

The Millionaire Mindset: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Income

The Millionaire Mindset reveals how you can finally break the cycle of poverty consciousness and take control of your life. You will see the power that your conditioning has on your current results, and you’ll gain a powerful system for reversing that early programming Why is it that when some poor soul wins the lottery, …

The Millionaire Mindset: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Income Read More »