Do you know that there is a Genesis of everything and the story line of every success?
The same thing applies to achievement.
Most of often than not, it is the start that stops most people.
But the truth is that most of the people get confused with the ideal and real starting point.
This is why it is very important that you read and understand this article in other not to be a victim of misconstrued perceptions.
What really is the starting point of every achievement?
If you have followed the trends of success and great achievement, you would understand that you are not too far from a great starting point just that you haven’t realized it.
This starting point is called DESIRE.
Oxford Dictionary defines “DESIRE as a strong feeling of wanting something to happen”.
Before you can truly and passionately succeed at something, you need to have a desire for that thing.
It cannot be denied that the starting point of every achievement may span from various angles.
But Nothing beats desire when it comes to the starting point of every achievement and for that matter, great achievement.
It must be Noted that you will find it in some books the following;
This is where most people who are less privileged financially are tempted to give up.
Because they tend to believe, accept and admit that their financial challenges cannot be overcomed.
However, the larger number of the great and powerful men that we see and admire a lot because of their tremendous success and life achievements were once like you.
They had nothing. Majority of them started from nowhere, from zero to hero and nobody to somebody.
They started with nothing materially but with a greatest intrinsic value; that is the desire to pursue, to discover, to push through, to learn, to practice and today they have such great achievement.
I hope you are with me?
Let me tell you something, maybe you thought you needed a huge money before you can pursue that dream
Nothing is common in this world than unsuccessful people with great talents. People have great talents but yet they are unable to bring them into light.
Other dictionaries also define desire as longing for or craving for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment.
Now let me explain further to you, why you need to assess your level of desire more than anything.
I am doing this for you to understand why that dream of yours is achievable no matter the situation you find yourself in supposing your desire for that dream is strong enough.
Do not just have any mere or weak desire except you don’t really know what you want.
When your Desire for something is not strong enough you can’t be determined enough.
When your desire is strong enough you will always see the opportunities in every situation instead of seeing the bad side.
It takes a strong desire to sleep late in the night and woke up early at dawn just to think about that Goal.
It takes a strong desire to Draw a solid plan.
it takes desire to set a specific goal.
It takes of course, a strong desire to push harder.
you see, if the desire is not strong enough, you are easy to sway.
if the desire is not as strong and craving enough, you are likely to give up for something else.
As powerful as a strong desire can scale you up to the top and a game changer in our situation, is it not sold.
You heard me right. Desires are not for sale.
but the reason you are finding it difficult is because you basically and honestly don’t know exactly what it is that you want.
That is the problem.
Because if indeed you know what you want and why you want what you want, trust me the desire will be set on ablaze.
It will be highly flammable and no amount of intimidation can quench it.
It is never easy in life.
It was only Confiscious who once said that life is easy but men insist on making it difficult.
I already guess you don’t need my thoughts on that. Of course, life in reality is not easy and will never be easier.
Life in its own way has a way of pushing you to stop dreaming.
It will push you to a wall such that you will admit your circumstances and stay right there.
if there is something you once promised yourself to do but you still haven’t done it and even have forgotten it, then I tell you, it wasn’t because of your circumstance but rather somewhere along the line, the desire became weak and gradually sank into the depth.
Your level of your desire greatly influences your plans as well as your commitments and dedication.
Until your desire is strong, you would always have issues with being consistent with your plans.
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