Keep Sowing! by Richard Amponsah

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Before you can cultivate the habit of sowing tirelessly, you need to first of all understand that every crop has got its own growing period, life cycle and conditions for growth.

some crops can be cultivated and harvested within few weeks, others in months and some other crops take two or more years before it is ready for harvesting.

while some crops need some level of conditions to produce good yields, other crops too can still grow well regardless of the condition.

This is where many people get things twisted.

I don’t know the type of crop you are sowing/growing/nurturing today or you may have sown some time ago, so I obviously can’t tell when you should expect yields, Harvests or Retuns. But I want you to understand the Fundamentals so you would be encouraged to sow tirelessly.

Some investments take longer time to pay off!

Some efforts demand consistency before you can see massive results.

Most often in life, we get intimidated by other people’s results without digging out how it all begun.

I encourage anyone reading this piece not to be intimidated by the results of others or the harvests you are reaping today, but rather be inspired by the seeds you are sowing today.


β€œAs long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” [[Genesis 8:22]

The sleepless nights will pay off big time someday.

You will definitely taste the sweetest portion of your success once you keep sowing.

Your hard work, Toils, suffering, labor, sweats, starvation, rejections, kindness, charity, service and prayers will definitely be a testimony in the days, and years ahead.

You have a story to tell so don’t give up.

Keep Sowing, do more, Learn More and Give more.

We’re Financial Freedom Community

1 thought on “Keep Sowing! by Richard Amponsah”

  1. Pingback: Do Not Postpone your success by Richard Amponsah - Financial Freedom Community

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